The world will be tested in many ways responding to the coronavirus threat, and this includes all business owners especially small and medium-sized companies. Managing change throughout a mini-recession requires actions and strategies from all leaders so they can reach faster the desired stability after the ‘the storm’ passes.
We’ve included in this article 5 things you can implement right away to lead your business beyond the crisis and emerge stronger than ever.
1- Face the facts and remain confident that you will prevail.
While confronting the crisis many people enter a phase of denial. Stay focused and remember that there is no time to lose. You must be aware of the harshest reality and be ready and vigilant for the fast-moving changes.
Be honest with your employees by communicating the actual situation and spreading calm and confidence at the same time while the adaptation processes to fit the new condition.
Team members value the truth and will work beside you to find the best ways of overcoming ‘the rising tide’.
2- Make sure you get to know what your team is most worried about.
Having accurate communication is part of any business success and knowing your employees’ concerns will make you maintain their confidence and trust to achieve outward success.
Also, keep in mind that good leaders will stay attuned with their team emotions not focusing only on the strategic communications but helping them on their fears during the crisis, ‘having their backs’ so they feel more secure in their position.
The best way to do this is to have one-on-one communication with each team member; since each person may require a different type of approach. It's crucial to discover what matters to each individual.
3- Get ready for the worst.
Within the current scenario of chaos and desperation you can expect increasing anxiety and decreasing motivation from your team members, therefore choose a few priority tasks until you can have the harmony back. Set smaller goals with more periodic follow-ups, for your team members to feel positive. Remember that it is important to invest your attention in managing your team stress as well as yours.
4- Start working on the virtual team-building.
Many governments are encouraging businesses to establish remote tasks and services in a way that a virtual team building is becoming essential and inescapable.
Losing personal contact will require businesses to build new ways for communication while the lockdown is in effect:
• Keep your one-on-one meetings to check on personal productivity and motivations.
• Redesign operating rules such as tasks, schedules, and priorities.
• Think creatively of new ways of training and holding team gatherings.
• Schedule some strategic and inspirational team video conferences.
• Establish new ways of controlling tasks and think of automation tools for follow-ups and team reports.
5- Visualize your new company.
As a matter of fact, these world changes will renew your company’s vision and values, as well as your strategies and tools to keep your team aligned and motivated under any circumstance. Hence, imagining your future company and visualizing the effects of these transitions will help you foresee possible demand and approaches to face the new challenges and market changes ahead.
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